by heatherppalmer | Jan 2, 2020 | Baptism, Children, Engagements, Extended Family, Family, Formals, Missionary, Newborn, Portraits, Seniors, Wedding
Logan Utah Photographers/2019 in review What a year it’s been! I changed up a couple of things in my business this year. One was that I didn’t shoot as many weddings this year. Also all of them were closer to home. As much as I loved traveling around to...
by heatherppalmer | Apr 4, 2019 | Formals, Wedding
Cache Valley Photographer| Wedding Formals When I first started talking to Cassidy she told me that her sessions were going to have to be spread out because her then fiancee soon to be husband was a hunting guide. I know ALL TOO WELL what it’s like scheduling...
by heatherppalmer | Jan 14, 2019 | Formals, Wedding
Logan Utah Wedding Photographers|Tony Grove I grew up in a little town outside of Boise, Idaho. I haven’t lived there for 18 years but I have a lot of friends there still. When I posted Ashley and Han’s engagement photo on my instagram feed a lady who I...
by heatherppalmer | Jan 13, 2019 | Formals, Wedding
Cache Valley Wedding Photographer|Formals I was looking forward to Alisa and Brittens formals for awhile for a lot of reasons. One of which is that my sister in law Heather (who is also Alisa’s older sister) was going to be in town from back east and was coming...
by heatherppalmer | Dec 22, 2018 | Engagements, Formals, Wedding
Logan Utah Wedding Photographer | 2018 When I first started out in photography I was never planning on offering weddings. I mean pressure! The biggest moment of someones life should be photograph but a seasoned professional! It was a few years ago I tried my first...
by heatherppalmer | Aug 3, 2018 | Formals, Wedding
Logan Utah Wedding Photographer|Kidman Formals The moment I got up to the temple to see all the trees on the south side in full bloom with white blossoms I knew we were going to have a fun evening. I always tell my husband that if trees had blossoms on them all year...