What to do in Kauai with Kids

What to do in Kauai with Kids

What to do in Kauai with Kids- I love to really research my vacations. I spend hours online reading blog posts and articles about things to do and places to see in the area I’m going. This time I spent a ton of time online and noticed something- most articles...
Disneyland Vacation Tips and Tricks

Disneyland Vacation Tips and Tricks

I absolutely love taking my family to Disneyland. As a matter of fact one of the reasons I have my photography business is to pay for vacations like going to Disneyland with my family. I love how much my children love it!  I get asked all the time what are some tips...
Disneyland Vacation Photos 2018

Disneyland Vacation Photos 2018

  It’s no secret that my family loves going to disneyland. We love getting out of cold northern Utah and driving down into the sunshine of southern California. In fact we never totally book our trip until days before we plan to leave to make sure it’s...
Disneyland Vacation Photos 2018

Total Eclipse in Rexburg Idaho

Total Eclipse in Rexburg Idaho I know you are tired of hearing about the “great American eclipse”.  And honestly I wouldn’t blame you unless you experienced it the way I did. We saw the Total Eclipse in Rexburg Idaho August 21, 2017. I just have to...