Get to know your Photographer|Logan Utah Photographer

With a photographer on every corner (or at least it feels like it) I think the big thing that sets us all apart is our personality! A lot of people can take pretty pictures but how well do they interact with you? My favorite compliment people give me is that they had fun at their session! Finding things in common with my clients is my favorite way to help them relax and get to know them. So first I wanted to share some things about myself.


My life is my family. My husband and I have been together for 14 years. From the time we started dating until we got married was only 4 months. I’m not kidding. But here we are 14 years later still together and still like each other. It can be done.  I am a mother of 5 little boys ages 12 to 3. No girls. Yes I have a basketball team and no we don’t see a girl in our future. At least those are the answers to the questions I get whenever I’m out in public with all my children. We spend a lot of time outdoors. This summer we have been fishing more times I can count and hiking all over the place. My boys (my husband included) are my buddies and I love spending time with them.

When people ask me what I do I always say I’m a stay at home mom with a little photography business on the side. I know many in the world look down on that but to me there is no greater thing in this world then to be my kids mom. My goal is to work my business around my family not my family around my business. So far it’s made me a better mother and a better photographer!

Whenever people apologize  for how their kids act during family pictures I laugh. I have so many little kids I have yet to see anything that I haven’t seen before! Kids never bug me. I’m actually a former elementary school teacher so I feel the most comfortable around kids. One thing I have learned from being around kids a lot is if you take forever to do something you will loose their attention. So I take that into consideration whenever I’m taking pictures. My goal is always to be as fast and efficient as possible! Because honestly, how many kids (or dads) want to be taking pictures all day?

As I watch my kids grow up I realize how fleeting my time with them is. Capturing memories is what I love to do the most. I love to take my camera on our adventures together and from there my business started itself. I absolutely love meeting new people. I love meeting couples about to get married to the grandparents coming to see me for extended family pictures. It’s a honor to think my photographs are hanging on peoples walls. I treasure all of my family pictures and miss the days when my children were all small.  

I love to find connection points with my clients. I love to see what we have in common. I hate awkward silence so I tend to talk a lot! Part of that might be the fact that my main job is being a stay at home mom so I love talking to an adult every once in awhile.

Get to know your Photographer|Logan Utah Photographer

Fun facts about me:

-I grew up in Nampa, Idaho.

-I graduated from USU in 2005 in Elementary Education and taught 4th grade

-I love talk radio. I listen to Dave Ramsey all the time. My husband and I were on his show this spring to do our debt free scream! I mean is there anything better then Dave calling your weird people? Nope. 

-I love to quilt! I wish I had more time to do it!

-I’ve played the violin for 27 years. Yes that makes me feel old to say that. I currently have 10 violin students that I teach.

-I have 82 first cousins. All blood related. And I know all of their names.

-My favorite part of a session is taking someones portrait. Especially kids! I love kids portraits! Maybe it’s because I can talk to kids easier then a adult for whatever reason.

-I LOVE taking my kids to Disneyland. I get totally giddy about it. We go every year and I would go more if my husband would agree to make that drive twice a year.

Get to know your Photographer|Logan Utah Photographer

-I don’t enjoy cooking because I’m so bad at it. I would eat out every meal if I wasn’t so cheap.

-I was voted “best in Cache Valley” Child photographer this year! I never thought in a million years I would receive a award like this.

I love getting to know people and seeing friends I haven’t seen for a long time! Something I’ve been able to do a lot with photography! I can’t wait to take pictures for you too!



Get to know your Photographer|Logan Utah Photographer