by heatherppalmer | Jan 1, 2021 | Baptism, Engagements, Extended Family, Family, Formals, Missionary, Newborn, Seniors, Wedding
Logan Utah Photographer- Year in Review 2020 I don’t have to tell you what a crazy year this was. I had many weddings, baptism, family and senior sessions on my calendar for the spring last March then the world stopped. At first I figured it would be a couple of...
by heatherppalmer | Mar 12, 2020 | Missionary
Logan Ut Portrait Photographers|Missionary-You know when you watch someone grow up and then they move away. And even though you know that they have grown up since you have seen them in your head that person is still the same age as when they left? I’m I the only...
by heatherppalmer | Jan 2, 2020 | Baptism, Children, Engagements, Extended Family, Family, Formals, Missionary, Newborn, Portraits, Seniors, Wedding
Logan Utah Photographers/2019 in review What a year it’s been! I changed up a couple of things in my business this year. One was that I didn’t shoot as many weddings this year. Also all of them were closer to home. As much as I loved traveling around to...
by heatherppalmer | Apr 26, 2019 | Missionary, Portraits
Confession- for years I go back and forth if having a photography business is worth it. Obviously I still have it so the pros always out weigh the cons. Sometimes when everything is crazy and I miss some of my kids events it’s really hard. It really breaks my...
by heatherppalmer | Jun 24, 2018 | Missionary, Portraits
Logan Utah Photographer|Missionary Mini’s My business totally exploded this spring. With the addition of many weddings it made my schedule out of control. As I was going through my open dates I realized I never scheduled in my mini missionary sessions. I felt...
by heatherppalmer | Jan 1, 2018 | Missionary, Portraits
Logan Utah Photographer LDS Sister Missionary I’ve known this pretty girl for 12 years. McKenna has always been a little ball of energy and so much fun to be around. She is one of those people that has a ton of friends because to know her is to love her. She...