by heatherppalmer | Jan 1, 2021 | Baptism, Engagements, Extended Family, Family, Formals, Missionary, Newborn, Seniors, Wedding
Logan Utah Photographer- Year in Review 2020 I don’t have to tell you what a crazy year this was. I had many weddings, baptism, family and senior sessions on my calendar for the spring last March then the world stopped. At first I figured it would be a couple of...
by heatherppalmer | Feb 13, 2020 | Family, Uncategorized
Logan Utah Photographer -Family-This year I tried something different and did mini sessions in the summer. I’ve never done them at Tony Grove and I wondered how that would work with the light. The first sessions I did was not all the way at the lake but another...
by heatherppalmer | Jan 2, 2020 | Baptism, Children, Engagements, Extended Family, Family, Formals, Missionary, Newborn, Portraits, Seniors, Wedding
Logan Utah Photographers/2019 in review What a year it’s been! I changed up a couple of things in my business this year. One was that I didn’t shoot as many weddings this year. Also all of them were closer to home. As much as I loved traveling around to...
by heatherppalmer | Jun 13, 2019 | Children, Family
Logan Utah Family Photographers When I think of my perfect kind of photo session I think of sessions like this one. Honest to goodness it couldn’t have been better. When I was editing the pictures I kept thinking that this is what heaven must look like. With...
by heatherppalmer | Apr 5, 2019 | Family
Family Photographer Logan Ut Last fall I saw the mother of one of my past grooms ask if anyone was available to take family pictures for them before her son left on his mission. I loved this family! I hurried and let her know that I would do what I could to squeeze...
by heatherppalmer | Feb 12, 2019 | Family
Logan Utah Family Photographer|Jennifer Last Friday I woke up to the devastating news that the sweet mom, Jennifer, passed away unexpectedly. My heart dropped. My first thought was her sweet girls. Jennifer was such a sweet person. I loved how close she was with her...