by heatherppalmer | Apr 10, 2019 | Photography Tips
Cache Valley Utah Photo Location Recommendations *Disclaimer- The more time goes on the less and less I share with other photographers my locations. Some areas have been closed to photographers because its been overrun by them. So these locations are some of the more...
by heatherppalmer | Apr 6, 2019 | Photography Tips
Print your Pictures!- Heather Palmer Photography The other day, I found my 11 year old on the floor with his scrapbooks all around him. He was having so much fun looking at the photos and telling me what he remembers about each one. It made all of the hours which I...
by heatherppalmer | Jan 30, 2019 | Photography Tips
Heather Palmer Photography| FAQ Frequently asked Questions- What do your sessions include?- I deliver all the best photos into a online album for you to download and print as you like. They will remain on my website for 6 months for family and portrait sessions and...
by heatherppalmer | Sep 4, 2018 | Photography Tips
What to Wear in Family Pictures|Logan Utah Family Photographer To me the worst part of getting our family pictures- by far is choosing what we are going to wear. I can never decide. And I know I’m not alone in this! It’s taken me a long time to figure out some...
by heatherppalmer | Dec 9, 2016 | Personal Post, Photography Tips
How to Photograph Christmas Tree Lights I’ll be honest- I’m a sucker for a good Christmas tree photo. I love it. And you know it’s harder then I thought but not impossible! The trick is (as it is with all photography) is LIGHT! You need to allow lots of light into...