by heatherppalmer | Jan 16, 2020 | Engagements
Engagement Photographer Logan Utah – I remember the day I met these two. I was 22 years old and teaching 4th grade. It was the first day of school and I was nervous to meet my class for the first time. I was also praying that I wouldn’t throw up because I...
by heatherppalmer | Jan 2, 2020 | Baptism, Children, Engagements, Extended Family, Family, Formals, Missionary, Newborn, Portraits, Seniors, Wedding
Logan Utah Photographers/2019 in review What a year it’s been! I changed up a couple of things in my business this year. One was that I didn’t shoot as many weddings this year. Also all of them were closer to home. As much as I loved traveling around to...
by heatherppalmer | Jun 12, 2019 | Engagements
Cache Valley Photographer| Mountain Engagements Taya is the best friend of one of my brides last year. A referral from past clients is such a high compliment! I hit a gold mine with this couple as well. As soon as I met her I could totally see why she was friends with...
by heatherppalmer | Jun 10, 2019 | Engagements
Logan Ut Wedding Photographer|Engagements Every time I had a session with these two the stars aligned and the weather turned out wonderful. I’m not sure how they did it. We have had such a rainy and cold year that a lot of my sessions turn out just like that-...
by heatherppalmer | Jan 18, 2019 | Engagements
Engagement Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove When I met my husband Briana was only 7 years old. She was his sweet little niece and she made me feel so welcome in there family. I have loved watching her grow up in the beautiful woman she is now! She is one of the most...
by heatherppalmer | Dec 22, 2018 | Engagements, Formals, Wedding
Logan Utah Wedding Photographer | 2018 When I first started out in photography I was never planning on offering weddings. I mean pressure! The biggest moment of someones life should be photograph but a seasoned professional! It was a few years ago I tried my first...