Spring 2020 Utah Baptism Session

This little boy is on of my favorite kids on this earth. Well he is one of 5 of my favorites. He is my 4th child, my little Brett. I just love him and his sweet little smile to pieces. I love taking kids baptism pictures. I see how great they turn out and it makes me excited to take my own kids baptism pictures. Because honesty why would you know how to use a camera and not share the talent with your own family? I had dreams of places around the temple grounds while all the tulips were in bloom where I was going to take his photos. I know it sounds crazy but I was really looking forward to it!

Then Covid happened.

Ugh stupid covid honestly. Not only did it push his baptism back a month (and we still couldn’t have a lot of people there) but we could not get on the temple grounds for his pictures. So I decided to do the next best thing. Get outside the gates then finish up at Utah State campus. Lucky for my I have boys and they are only getting their picture taken so I’ll take them to get a treat after. No joke! So he didn’t care where we went as long as he got his Jamba Juice after.

I planned his photos when the tulips were in bloom even though we were on the outside of the gates. It was beautiful! Then the stones that make up Old Main were perfect for a little boys pictures. Brett has the BEST SMILE. It just lights up my life. And I absolutely love his toothless smile. His big tooth on one side and his missing tooth on the other. It’s perfection. Getting one on one time with my buddy is just what both of us needed after being in quarantine for a couple of months.

I’m so impressed with my kids how they rolled with the punches this spring. They couldn’t see friends, have a normal birthday, get baptized when you wanted to. They were stuck with me as their teacher! And didn’t set foot in a store for months. Being home that long was hard on them but they handled it so well. Besides throwing a few punches at their brothers. I’m so grateful to be this little boys mom. He is my angel boy.

Spring 2020 Utah Baptism Session

Spring 2020 Utah Baptism Session

Spring 2020 Utah Baptism Session

Spring 2020 Utah Baptism Session

Spring 2020 Utah Baptism Session

Spring 2020 Utah Baptism Session

Spring 2020 Utah Baptism Session

Spring 2020 Utah Baptism Session

Spring 2020 Utah Baptism Session