Sisters Graduation Photos Logan Utah

One of my sons has a reading disability. I have been working with him since he was three trying to help him with his letters and reading and it just never came. He has had special classes and help from school since 2nd grade but last year I really wanted to try some extra help. So I signed him up for the literacy clinic on the USU campus. Seriously why didn’t I do this sooner! It was amazing!

This is how we met the cute girl below. This angel was my sons teacher. He would go twice a week and she would work with him on his reading and writing. They allow parents to sit on the other side of the mirror to watch their lessons and she was beyond amazing with my son. It’s part of their education degree now to help in the clinic.

Alyssa messaged me to see if I could do some graduation photos of her and her little sister. She was graduating from Utah State and her little sister was graduating from high school. I loved the idea of them both getting some photos taken.

We did a few extra of his sister Courtney for her senior pictures but got portraits of both. Can we talk about both of their hair for a minute. They both had such amazing hair! I have really long hair too but it isn’t nearly as pretty as theirs.

I am so grateful for Alyssa and all of her work to help my son. Sadly he can’t be in the clinic anymore after 6th grade so we have had to try other things. Alyssa and her husband moved away as well because I was 100% willing to pay her to help him.

Sisters Graduation Photos Logan Utah

Sisters Graduation Photos Logan Utah

Sisters Graduation Photos Logan Utah

Sisters Graduation Photos Logan Utah

Sisters Graduation Photos Logan Utah

Sisters Graduation Photos Logan Utah

Sisters Graduation Photos Logan Utah

Sisters Graduation Photos Logan Utah

Sisters Graduation Photos Utah State

Sisters Graduation Photos Utah State

Sisters Graduation Photos Utah State