Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake

This girl is one of the absolute sweetest I know. Honestly she has been such a blessing to me. Years ago when my son was really struggling in school I had just had my 4th child. I had 4 children under 6 and I was totally drowning in my life! My oldest so needed more one on one attention to help him with his school work and I just couldn’t give him the time he needed. Tasha volunteered to come once a week and help him with his homework. It helped me so much! He didn’t fight her to get it done and he was able to get the help he needed. Then I had more time to give him positive attention instead of fighting him to get his stuff done. I will forever be grateful to her.

When Tasha’s mom texted me about doing her seniors I was so excited. She wanted to do them at Bear Lake. Rarely do I have a senior that had just wanted she wanted all mapped out in her head. They had gone their the week before to scope out the spots she wanted to use. She had bought a really beautiful dress and I helped her find someone to get her makeup done. (her request). Let me add a plug for her makeup artist Jessica Hyer. She did a couple of my girls senior makeup and it was gorgeous EVERY SINGLE TIME! It’s just that little extra confidence boost that makes your senior session magical. PS she doesn’t pay me to say that. =)

I honestly could post EVERY SINGLE PHOTO of this session. It will go down as one of my all time favorites ever. Even though it was windy and cold she rocked the whole session. At one point I noticed her hands going purple. I was like get your butt in the truck and warm up poor girl! Especially when she wanted to do some in the water. You guys, this water was ice cold. Getting her out there was kind of crazy but she made it. I talked her into stopping on the way back in the snow to get a few photos because I knew her dress would look amazing with the snow.

Her mom is one of my all time favorite people. We found out soon before her session that her mom’s cancer had returned. She had treatments down at the Huntsman cancer institute days before the session which almost killed her. I was so happy to see she felt well enough to ride over with us to Bear Lake for Tasha’s session. At one point she asked “is it ok if I sit in the truck? I’m kind of tired.” I was like of course you can sit in the truck! Their family has been though so much I can’t believe that have to deal with cancer again.

I just love this girl. She is so kind and strong. I can not wait to see all the wonderful things she does in her life.

Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake

Logan Utah Senior Photographer|Bear Lake
