Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer

Oh I love summer weddings! The weather is beautiful and the sun is out! Maybe I’m saying this because I’ve done a bunch of winter weddings recently and my poor couples have been so cold! As beautiful as the winter is you can’t beat the summer weather.

Trevyn and Kenzie’s big day is finally here! I had been there from the beginning- I took their proposal photos, engagements and formals. And now the big day is here! I was so excited!

Ok I know this is weird but this photo I took on their wedding day might be my favorite of the Logan Temple I’ve ever done. I try to get pictures of the place where a couple is married the day. Especially of the temples because of the religious meaning for the couple. The blue sky and the flowers get me every time.

I noticed something at this wedding that I don’t see all the time. The moms of these two became good friends. The parents always seem to get along at weddings but sometimes I can tell they have a special bond with each other by the end. I would say that for this couple. Her mom and been through her share of weddings but for his mom this was her first one. I remember after their exit from the reception her mom put her arm around his mom. A moment I had never really thought of until I became a photographer. When they leave their reception and embark on their life together and leave their families. It’s kind of a hard moment.

Both of these families were a DREAM to work with. I just loved them both so much. One thing that the pandemic gave us was missionaries doing some of their MTC from home. Including Trevyns brother who was in home MTC during the wedding. How fun to have your missionary brother come to the wedding! I’m so glad he was able to make it.

Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer
Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer
Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer
Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer
Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer
Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer
Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer
Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer
Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer
Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer
Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer

Logan Temple Wedding Photographer- Summer