by heatherppalmer | Jan 26, 2023 | Wedding
Logan UT Wedding Photographer- Formals I was really looking forward to this session. After taking their engagement photos a few months before I knew how fun this was going to be. And we were going to my all time favorite location- Tony Grove! Tony grove in the summer...
by heatherppalmer | Jan 26, 2023 | Wedding
Best Wedding Photographer Cache Valley I’m a sucker for a good first look. But after this one I have to do the same thing with my boys. Hopefully they marry someone who loves a good joke. Because this first look was my favorite- and for good reason. And...
by heatherppalmer | Jan 24, 2023 | Engagements
Engagement Photographer Cache Valley I’ve been really lucky to have been able to photograph a lot of siblings weddings. I met Hailey the day she was set about as a missionary. Ally (Haileys sister) was getting her formal wedding photos taken and she came to the...
by heatherppalmer | Jan 22, 2023 | Engagements
Cache Valley Engagement Photographer My favorite thing to hear as a photography “Hello! I just got engaged and I adore your page! I filled out an inquiry on your website, when is your soonest availability??” There is something no one tells you when you...
by heatherppalmer | Jan 20, 2023 | Family
Family Photographers around Cache Valley We need to normalize something. Getting family pictures taken along with a Childs senior pictures. Especially boys! Honestly that usually hate doing senior photos and I always do some extra when its a senior. I actually do it a...