Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove

Ever since I met my husband he has been talking to me about a family he met on his LDS mission in Ohio. They have something like 17 kids in their family. Like the Dugger family but more normal they say. I can see how that is true. My husband always wanted a family with that many kids (I’m not kidding) but alas he married someone who I’m pretty sure would die over being pregnant that many times. So when one of the daughters in that family was coming to visit family in Utah and wanted some family pictures I made sure I had room in my schedule. I had to meet her!

You know when you meet someone and you are like “I could be good friends with this person?” That is how I feel about Alissha. I could hang out with her and her family all day. She is so fun and easy going. My favorite type of people. Can we talk about her red hair for a minute? How gorgeous is that against all the green behind her? So pretty! Her little girl came down with a fever the day of our session but we pushed through. She wasn’t super happy for all of the pictures but we made it work as best we could.

She wanted some pretty mountains in her photos and I knew Tony Grove would be perfect. Wild flower season was in full swing and for some reason photographers hadn’t really caught onto it yet. A few days later it was wall to wall people getting their pictures taken. We timed it just right. Alissha was asking if this place was a hidden gem or something because it’s so pretty and yet a lot of people weren’t there.

We went to Aggie Ice cream after with them when we got back to the valley. It was super late when we finally said goodbye and I left feeling like I wish they lived here instead of Texas!

Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove
Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove
Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove
Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove
Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove
Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove
Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove
Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove
Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove
Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove
Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove
Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove

Photographer Logan Utah|Tony Grove